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Why Stepping On?

Stepping On is an evidence-based and effective falls prevention program.

  • Stepping On is proven to reduce falls.
  • Stepping On is cost effective with 100% return on investment.
  • It can help to reduce medical costs of doctor office visits, emergency room visits and hospitalizations related to falls.

By committing to Stepping On, your organization:

  • Provides members of your community with an effective falls prevention program.
  • Engages older adults to be active participants in their healthcare.
  • Increases community awareness about falls.
  • Positions your organization as a community leader in evidence-based falls prevention programs.
  • Develops new and lasting partnerships in healthcare and aging networks.
  • Provides fall prevention education and awareness to a variety of health professionals.
  • Trains health professionals to effectively deliver falls prevention interventions.

Becoming a Stepping On Workshop Facilitator

Stepping On is a researched program proven to help older people reduce their risk of falls, improve their ability to safely navigate their environment, and ultimately, increase their quality of life. The workshop is offered once a week for seven weeks in communities throughout the region. Participants gain specific knowledge and skills to prevent falls in community settings. It is designed specifically for people who are: 1) at risk of falling, 2) have a fear of falling, or 3) who have fallen one or more times. Workshops are facilitated by trained Facilitators and provide a safe and positive learning experience.

You need to be a health professional, aging network professional, or fitness instructor to lead this course and must be employed by or volunteer for a Stepping On Program Provider organization. We provide Facilitators with on-going support and opportunities for education. If you are interested in committing to the Facilitator Training and then leading at least one workshop annually, please view the Orientation Video and visit the Website for more information.  (Informational only, do not apply through this site, please use the Facilitator Application link below)

Stepping On Facilitator Application Form:

Upcoming Trainings TBD – If you would like to be notified of future training opportunities please email

Application will be re-posted once another training is scheduled 

If you’re interested in becoming a Stepping On Facilitator, please fill out and submit the online Stepping On Facilitator Training Application (button/link below). This form provides basic information about both the Facilitator and his/her Program Provider organization, the Facilitator’s background and interest in becoming a Facilitator and their understanding of the commitments involved.

IMPORTANT: Individuals applying for Facilitator training must complete the online, self-paced, Basic Training at least one week before the Certification Class. Those attending in-person will receive a manual on the first day. Those attending a virtual training will be mailed their manual in advance. Folks attending a virtual training can lead virtual workshops for all of NY or in-person workshops on Long Island.

Why should you consider becoming a Facilitator?
As a Facilitator, you will have the satisfaction of discovering the contents of the program, learning the key elements of falls prevention and learning group leadership and facilitation skills that you can also use in other areas of your life. Most importantly, you will watch older adults with a fear of falling or history of falls gain important knowledge and skills to reduce falls and gain confidence, by practicing the exercises and using the skills and tools that you have shared with them. 

What will you learn at the Facilitator Training?
At the Facilitator Training, you will learn the skills and knowledge you need to effectively lead the workshop. Like the Stepping On workshop itself, the Facilitator Training is interactive and fun. The trainers are experienced workshop Facilitators who have received further training to become Stepping On Master Trainers. It takes place over three days, with time for breaks and lunch. Facilitators must attend all three days. 

Long Island Master Trainer contacts:

General Contact: