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Our falls prevention programs are all evidence-based, meaning they offer proven ways to promote health and prevent falls among older adults. They are based on research and provide documented health benefits, so you can be confident they work. 

We encourage you to take our online quiz to help you determine which of our programs is the best fit for you, to help you start your journey towards a happier, healthier you. 


A Matter of Balance:

A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults.

8 week workshop that meets once weekly, for 2 hours. (There is an additional week if the program is implemented virtually).

Participants will learn to:

  • View falls as controllable
  • Set goals for increasing activity
  • Make changes to reduce fall risk at home
  • Exercise to increase strength and balance

Target Population:
– Older adults who have started to restrict their activity levels due to a concern about falling
– They should be able to problem solve
– Fallen in the past year
– They live independently in the community

Exclusion Criteria:
– They do not have a fear of falling
– They are highly active and engaged in their community

Stepping On:

This program brings together the life experience of its participants and the expertise of community professionals. From the first session, participants put new skills to use. Group members set short term goals each week – goals that focus on life activities that are most important to them. Physical therapists, pharmacists, and other experts help the group adapt fall prevention practices for individual needs and levels.

7 week workshop that meets once weekly, for 2 hours

Participants will:

  • Practice exercises to increase strength and balance
  • Discuss topics that include home hazards, safe footwear, vision and falls, community mobility, coping after a fall, and understanding how to initiate a medication review
  • Speak with guest experts about how to reduce fall risks

Target Population:
– Older adults at risk of falling or history of fall
– Live independently

Exclusion Criteria:
– Uses a walker indoors more than 50% of the time
– Uses a wheelchair
– Cannot perform standing exercises
– >5 falls in the last year
– Have a diagnosed cognitive impairment

Otago Exercise Program:

This program consists of 17 strength and balance exercises and a walking program, performed three times a week by the older adult in the home, outpatient, or community setting.

OEP is built into outpatient PT plan of care, typically for 8 weeks but is ultimately dependent upon insurance.

We also offer OEP in a group/community format which runs once weekly for one hour, for 8 weeks

Participants will experience:

  • up to 35% reduction in falls in high-risk older adults
  • Improvements in functional performance measures
  • Improvements in perceived abilities

Target Population:
– Older adults who have experienced one or more falls
– Older adults who are more frail or with complex medical conditions
– Older adults who do not have the strength or endurance to participate in tai chi or an exercise class

Exclusion Criteria:
– Older adults who have a low fall risk
– Older adults who cognitively cannot follow the exercises
– Older adults who cannot safely perform the exercises, with or without the assistance of a caregiver

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention:

This evidence-based program is proven to reduce falls, improve fitness, and is designed for older adults who are interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength.

10 week workshop that meets twice a week for 1 hour.

Participants will learn:

  • Balance Skills
  • Proper Body Alignment
  • Coordinated Tai Chi movements

Target Population:
– People with mild, moderate and severe joint involvement and back pain.
– Adults who have a risk of falling

Exclusion Criteria:
– Unable to participate in twice weekly classes

This information is intended to be a guide. The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute medical advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available are for general informational purposes only. Information may not constitute the most up-to-date information.